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About Cendana Homestay

Cendana Homestay is one of the inn to the public. Unlike the hotel, the concept that we offer is to stay and mingle with the homeowner and the environment is very friendly and familial. So the warm atmosphere of a family you can feel. No need to feel embarrassed if you stay at the Cendana Homestay, because you will feel like the middle of a vacation in your own home but with conditions and a different atmosphere. Located in a strategic position Sawahlunto. Precisely in an area called Tangsi Baru, which is surrounded by severaltourist attractions is the Old Town.

Lots of tourist attractions in the city of Sawahlunto which you can enjoy with friends, relatives or family. Among others:
A. Heritage Tours
    1. Building Ombilin
    2. Building Cultural Center (GPK)
    3. Hotel Ombilin
    4. TBO Cooperative Building
    5. Pek Sin Kek
    6. Building the Church of Santa Lucia
    7. Building Pawnshop
    8. Houses Office of the Mayor
    9. Great Mosque
   10. etc.

B. Museum Tours, History and Science & Technology
    1. Museum Goedang Ransoem
    2. Science & Technology Building CENTER
    3. Mine Loebang Mbah Soero
    4. INFO BOX
    5. Railway Museum
    6. Steam Locomotive Series E1060 (Mak Itam)
    7. etc.

C. Tourism Leisure and Recreation
    1. Kandi Tourist Resort
    2. Water Boom
    3. Train Tours Mak Itam
    4. Train Travel Around the City
    5. Paint Ball
    6. Flying Fox
    7. Turf
    8. Road Race
    9. Dragon Boat
   10. Mini Zoo
   11. Fishing Kandi
   12. etc.

D. Tourism Culture and Spirituality
    1. Black Parmato Arts Studio
    2. Horse braid
    3. Puppet show
    4. Eating Bajamba
    5. Suro Grebeg
    6. Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Sheikh Kolok
    7. Pilgrimage to the tomb of National Hero M. Yamin
    8. etc.

Cendana Homestay adalah salah satu penginapan untuk umum. Berbeda dengan Hotel, konsep yang kami tawarkan adalah menginap dan berbaur dengan pemilik rumah serta lingkungan sekitar yang sangat ramah dan kekeluargaan. Sehingga suasana hangat sebuah keluarga dapat Anda rasakan. Tak perlu merasa sungkan jika Anda menginap di Cendana Homestay, karna Anda akan merasa seperti tengah berlibur di rumah Anda sendiri tetapi dengan kondisi dan suasana yang berbeda. Terletak di posisi strategis Kota Sawahlunto. Tepatnya di sebuah daerah bernama Tangsi Baru, yang dikelilingi oleh beberapa objek wisata Kota Lama ini.

Banyak sekali objek wisata di Kota Sawahlunto yang dapat Anda nikmati bersama teman, saudara atau keluarga. Antara lain :
A. Wisata Heritage
  1. Gedung OMBILIN
  2. Gedung Pusat Kebudayaan (GPK)
  3. Hotel Ombilin
  4. Gedung Koperasi TBO
  5. Pek Sin Kek
  6. Bangunan Gereja Santa Lucia
  7. Gedung Pegadaian
  8. Rumah Dinas Walikota
  9. Mesjid Agung
  10. dll
B. Wisata Museum, Sejarah dan IPTEK
  1. Museum Goedang Ransoem
  2. IPTEK CENTER Building
  3. Loebang Tambang Mbah Soero
  5. Museum Kereta Api
  6. Lokomotif Uap Seri E1060 (Mak Itam)
  7. dll
C. Wisata Hiburan dan Rekreasi
  1. Resort Wisata Kandi
  2. Water Boom
  3. Kereta Wisata Mak Itam
  4. Kereta Wisata Keliling Kota
  5. Paint Ball
  6. Flying Fox
  7. Pacuan Kuda
  8. Road Race
  9. Perahu Naga
  10. Kebun Binatang Mini
  11. Memancing di Kandi
  12. dll
D. Wisata Seni Budaya dan Kerohanian
  1. Sanggar Seni Parmato Hitam
  2. Kuda Kepang 
  3. Pagelaran Wayang
  4. Makan Bajamba
  5. Grebeg Suro
  6. Ziarah ke Makam Syeh Kolok
  7. Ziarah ke makam Pahlawan Nasional M. Yamin
  8. dll